
Level up your streaming, engagement and entertain your audience with a quality overlay. It's important!
Included in this pack:
- 4 alerts: New donation, follower, host, and subscriber. Included in .webm animated format and as .png files. Both work in Streamlabs.
- 16+ uniquely designed panels with icons. All are .PNG files, including a .png file of a blank panel - if we're missing any, you can open the blank one in Photoshop to add your own text.
- 2 Animated NEON full screen designs. "Starting Soon" and "Be Right Back" included. Animated .webm file type.
- 3 STILL .PNG full screen designs, matching the animated ones. "Be Right Back", "Starting soon", and "Offline" is included. .PSD file also delivered, for easy peasy text editing.
- Truly everything you need to jumpstart your beginning on Twitch!
Need any help, or have a question? Feel free to email or DM Wonder#0513 on Discord.