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How to Add a Server Icon to your Minecraft Server

In Guides


To begin, you’ll need to setup your server icon for upload. If you bought one from our store, it will already come in both high resolution and 64x64 PNGs - if you have your own, you may need to do this yourself.

By following our guide on how to add text to any Minecraft server icon, you can turn any of our buycraft icon packs into a fun and unique server icon. Simply add text using the guide, and then follow our resizing guide below!


How to Resize & Prepare Your Minecraft Server Icon

For your server icon to work in the Minecraft launcher, it will need to adhere to three rules.

First, it must be in .png format. Second, it must be 64x64 pixels in size.

You can use an online tool to convert your current icon, which may be a JPG or larger size, into a 64x64 PNG. I personally use - but any similar site would work. On, upload the image, change the dimensions to 64x64, and select PNG at the bottom. Press Resize Image, and then download, and tada! Your file is almost ready.

Third, the icon must be named server-icon in your file explorer. This should be relatively easy, simply rename the .png file.


How to Upload Your Prepared Icon

How to upload your Minecraft server icon may vary depending on your hosting provider, or if you are hosting your server on your own machine (like your computer). 

Generally speaking, you will need to first navigate to your server’s control panel, likely called something like “FTP File Access”. At this point, you may have to sign in to your hosting provider.

Now, you will need to upload your Minecraft server icon. Likely, your hosting provider will have an “upload” button on the left side of the FTP file browser. If it does, the easiest way to upload your icon is to simply click that button and allow it to upload. It should automatically enable.

If your server doesn’t have a button like that, all you’ll need to do is make sure the Minecraft server icon is put into the root directory of your server. This is likely the place where all of your world files are. 

Still not working?

Have no fear. If your server is being hosted on a professional server hosting website, you can always follow a guide more relevant to you on one of their blogs. I’ve linked a few of them below.


And that’s it! It should automatically enable, and your server has a shiny new icon on the server listing sites and the Minecraft launcher. Congratulations!


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